Junior Leadership Seminar (JLS)

Junior Leadership Seminar (JLS) is a DoDEA-E sponsored, 5-day event for 7th and 8th grade students. The vision of JLS is to foster students’ strengths and skills to prepare students to be leaders in an interdependent Global community. This activity identifies and develops leadership skills in students that allow them to return to their schools and implement a service project at the school.  The goal is to prepare our future leaders of tomorrow.

The event will happen in December

Applications for JLS will begin mid September.  Typically Rota MHS is given 4-5 slots for students only.

After the seminar event, the JLS students will be required to complete a school-based service project.  This will require them to meet typically once a week.

The actual Leadership Seminar happens in Germany.  The service project after happens at school.

Open to: 7th & 8th Grade Students

Room 34

Point of Contact

Name: Braddock McFarland

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